"At first glance, this may seem like an instant deal breaker. From a risk perspective, it requires a breach of only one service to have a domino effect on every other service you use.Yet the actual risk of compromise is far less than if you reuse one password across multiple sites. In this scenario, you are relying on dozens of sites keeping your data safe. It takes only one of them to suffer a breach and all the others are compromised as a result. Regular readers of PC Pro will be only too aware of how many popular internet services have suffered breaches over the past couple of years, with password databases being high on the list."

It is been argued that using a password manager is "putting all your security eggs in one basket"and with good reason: if you keep all your login data in one place, then any hacker successful in compromising it has been handed the keys to your online kingdom. do the password manager is real safe?

I am your manager, I know all your passwords. include some special elements, for some nicknames, your birthday or someday special for you. I imagine one day I can get the key pass to your password, through pickup important elements. Are you scared?

Or you can play with me know how it works. if you find another interesting part not include, you can contact me talk about something.

Stay cool.